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About TradeZero
General Trading
Account Information
Trading Platforms
Fees And Rates
General Trading
Short Selling
Options Trading
Account Security
About TradeZero
General Trading
What Time In Force (TIF) can I use on TradeZero’s trading platform?
What is the Limit Up-Limit Down Rule?
What are some reasons TradeZero America may close out a position?
What is the Maximum Share Limit for placing an order when I trade?
What is the margin requirement when shorting a stock under $5.00? Are these stocks marginable?
What is the margin requirement for stocks under $3?
Are there any day trading restrictions?
What is the Pattern Day Trader Rule?
Do you offer Pre and Post market trading?
Why did I receive Reg Sho 204 notice?
How do I place an equity order after hours between 4 PM ET and 8 PM ET?
Can you set a daily loss limit on my account?
When does my buying power update for the new trading day?
Will TradeZero America ever cover your equity positions?
If a mandatory corporate action is declared on a stock I have a position in, what are TradeZero's procedures?
If TradeZero is directing my trade, will I still get the best possible execution price?
Can retail clients utilize CMTA Clearing?
Are there any price limitations on stocks I can trade?
What does T+1 Settlement mean?