Get Options

Elevate your trading strategy. Trade the US options markets.


See our Options Disclosure and Options Fee Schedule for more details.
Fees may change without notice.

Commission & Routing Pass Through Fee

Per contract


Options Manual Exercise Fee

Per line


Options Contract Fee

Per contract


Options Regulatory Fee (ORF)

Per contract, based on prevailing rates

Up to


Options Clearing Corp (OCC) Fee

Per contract ($55 cap.)


Cash Settled Index Options

Some commonly traded cash settled options include but not limited to SPX, SPXW, VIX, VIXW

Additional per contract (a/o 04/15/2024)


Introducing Single-Leg options to our ZeroFree platform. Features include options chains, position ticket linking, strategy overview and charts.

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Seamlessly execute Single-Leg options trades from the palm of your hand. ZeroMobile empowers you to trade on the go.

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Unlock the potential of options trading with our ZeroPro platform. Features include Single-Leg options trading, options chains and position ticket linking.

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Platform Comparison

Price Per Month
$59 per month 
(Includes both Pro & Web)
Level 2 / # of 
Level 2 windows
10+ Windows
Advanced Hotkeys
Charting With indicators
10+ Windows
OTC Markets Level 1
$5 per month
OTC Markets Level 2
$15 per month
Multi Language Support
Custom Layouts
Window Linking
Mac/iOS Compatibility
Only possible with Windows Emulation Software
Real-time News
Real-Time NYSE, AMEX & NASDAQ Level 1
Real-Time NYSE, AMEX & NASDAQ Level 2
Time & Sales Data
Top Lists: Gainers, Losers & Changers
Direct Hard to Borrow Locates
Single-Leg Options
Multi-Leg Options
Coming soon
Option Paired Portfolio View
Coming soon
Option Chains
Coming soon
Coming soon
Strategy Overview Charts
Coming soon
Position Ticket Linking

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