Refer A Friend

Invite your friends to TradeZero and earn $100 each.

Group of friends outdoors having fun reading about a TradeZero promo from a computer screen

It Couldn’t Be Easier

Refer your friends following the steps below. When they fund a new account and place one trade with us, you will receive $100 each.

How it works

Log In

Navigate to Refer a Friend inside your Client Portal.



Enter your friend’s name and email address.


Receive $100 Each

After your friend placed their first trade with us. T&Cs apply.


Get Paid With Ease

Refer your friend following the steps above. When they fund a new account and place one trade with us, you'll both receive $100 into your trading account.

Three guys trading outdoors with a computer, a tablet and a phone wearing TradeZero custom merch

Trade With An Award-Winning Broker

Five time winner of the Best Broker for Short Selling at the Benzinga Fintech Awards from 2020 to 2024. Winner of the Best Paper Trading Platform Award, 2024.

TradeZero Winner of Best Brokerage For Short Selling at the Benzinga Global Fintech Awards 2024

TradeZero Winner of Best Paper Trading Platform at the Benzinga Global Fintech Awards 2024

TradeZero Winner of Best Brokerage For Short Selling at the Benzinga Global Fintech Awards 2023

TradeZero Winner of Best Brokerage For Short Selling at the Benzinga Global Fintech Awards 2022

TradeZero Winner of Best Brokerage For Short Selling at the Benzinga Global Fintech Awards 2021

TradeZero Winner of Best Brokerage For Short Selling at the Benzinga Global Fintech Awards 2020

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