A real-time streaming web platform for new to intermediate traders. Enjoy customizable layouts and top features from the TradeZero suite, all within a user-friendly web application, combining flexibility with robust trading tools.

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Dynamically updating watchlist windows that can be moved vertically within a layout column or horizontally across columns.

Save and manage multiple lists with ease and toggle update flashing on or off.


Filter by symbol or keyword, like latest company news, earnings, upgrades and downgrades.

Leverage Benzinga’s ‘Why is It Moving’ feed that tells why a symbol is moving in just a headline.


Manage your open and closed positions in real-time.

Double-click a stock symbol to load it into the order entry window and cancel any existing open orders with ease.


Harness the power of our patented locator to secure short locates.

Mark locates for credit to potentially have your locates reallocated to another TradeZero client, allowing you to recoup some of the locate fees.

View the day’s history of all of your locate activity.


Powerful ability to change the platform language. Current languages include English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.

Create and set hot keys for keyboard driven trading.

Control notification pop-ups and sounds for orders, as well as control the account statistics that are displayed at the very top of the platform.

Platform Comparison

Price Per Month
$59 per month (Includes ZeroPro, ZeroWeb, ZeroFree and ZeroMobile)
Level 2 / # of 
Level 2 windows
10+ Windows
Advanced Hotkeys
Charting With indicators
10+ Windows
OTC Markets Level 1
$5 per month
OTC Markets Level 2
$15 per month
Multi Language Platform
Custom Layouts
Window Linking
Mac/iOS Compatibility
Only possible with Windows Emulation Software
Real-time News
Real-Time NYSE, AMEX & NASDAQ Level 1
Real-Time NYSE, AMEX & NASDAQ Level 2
Time & Sales Data
Top Lists: Gainers, Losers & Changers
Direct Non Easy-To-Borrow Locates
Single-Leg Options
Multi-Leg Options
Coming soon
Option Paired Portfolio View
Coming soon
Option Chains
Coming soon
Coming soon
Strategy Overview Charts
Coming soon
Position Ticket Linking
Single Use Locates
Locates HotKeys
$ Amount Trailing Stops
Percentage Trailing Stops
Coming soon

Start Trading Today

Our low account minimums allow you to begin with just $500 USD.

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