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About TradeZero
Paper Trading
General Trading
Account Information
Trading Platforms
Fees And Rates
General Trading
Short Selling
Options Trading
Account Security
About TradeZero
Paper Trading
General Trading
Are there any day trading restrictions?
Are there any restrictions or rules for trading?
Can I hold more than 2 to 1 equity after 4 PM?
Can you set a daily loss limit on my account?
Can I limit the amount of shares per order?
Why is my buying power not updated?
What is GTC Time In Force?
Why did I receive RegSho 204 notice?
What does Marked to Market mean?
Does TradeZero International offer pre and post market trading?
If TradeZero is directing my trade, will I still get the best possible execution price?
How are corporate actions handled in my TradeZero account?
What does T+1 Settlement mean?